Apr 1, 2018

Who wouldn't like Japanese Cherry blossoms

Chidorigafuchi Cherry blossoms Festival(Tokyo)

Chidorigafuchi is a long lush green walkway along the moat of the Imperial Palace.
The area around a moat of the Imperial Palace known for its splendid
cherry blossoms.
From late March to early April, the 700 m-long pedestrian path will be covered with
the blossoms of about 260 cherry trees.
illuminating the cherry blossoms at night and offering another spectacular view
of the blossoms reflecting in the water.

Jul 10, 2016

[4K Slidshow]The four seasons in Kyoto Part2・京都の四季の写真集(2012-2014)

I would like to share beautiful nature in Kyoto

Autumn Colors of Oirase Stream Aomori Japan [4K UHD] 紅葉の奥入瀬渓流 The Beauti...

GoldFishing in Japanese Carnival Matsuri

More carnival games in Japan, catch as many goldfish with a disintegrating rice paper sheet

This is really fun than what it looks!

Beautiful night view spots in Kyoto

25 Crazy Things You Will Only Find In Japan

Japan has always been popular for being technologically one step ahead the rest of the world. The unfavorable geographical and natural conditions of the country have made the Japanese an extremely inventive and efficient nation. But sometimes, their creativeness and technological advancement goes a bit too far, leaving behind things that people from Western world find anything from weird to shocking. If you plan to visit this amazing Asian country, check out these 25 crazy things you will only find in japan.

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